Month: October 2013

Stop The Violence Day



To: Local Pastors, Ministers and Clergy
From: Project FORWARD
Re: Citywide “Stop the Violence Day” in Houston

October 9, 2013

I pray this letter reaches you in the best of health and spirits. Let me first thank you for all that you do to make our community a better place. We would like to unite with you in that effort, particularly to help stop the senseless violence that appears to be getting worse every day.

In the spirit of unity and solidarity, a group of Black men and organizations have come together and declared Sunday, October 27th, “Citywide Stop the Violence/ Respect for Life Day.” It is a day of remembrance of those who have lost their lives to senseless violence and a day of support for their families. We believe that the church plays a critical role in a unified effort to eradicate the “spirit of Cain” in our community. We must come together. None of us can do it alone.

We are humbly seeking 100 pastors of 100 churches to incorporate a message of “Stop the Violence” into their sermon on the Sunday morning of October 27th. How wonderful would it be to see us as a community speaking with ONE VOICE against this violence on the same day at the same time. We have a group of committed men who have pledged to hit the streets, as well as the airwaves, to encourage as many Black men, boys and youth as we can to attend a church on that Sunday to hear the message. We will encourage single mothers, grandmothers and others to bring their young men to the various houses of worship that day to hear this special message.

Please consider joining us in this noble effort. In doing so, you will be joining thousands across the city in sending a strong message of peace in the streets. If we save ONE LIFE in the process then our work will not have been in vain. Please join us by committing to incorporate a “Stop the Violence” message into your sermon on October 27th. Please email us at to confirm your church’s participation. Thank you.

Deloyd Parker
SHAPE Community Center

Deric Muhammad
Community Activist

Loretta Brock, Coordinator
The Great Awakening 2013
(832)572-2521 Please feel free to call her for additional info.

Note: If your church or organization is interested in being a partner in “Stop the Violence Day” please email us at